Thursday, March 31, 2005


((PSP + Me + Need 4 Speed / Time) * Cost) ^ ((PSP video 9 + Demo Reel + TV Clips) * Comic Book Scans)) / BP = Happy

PSP rocks, few pixels are less then perfect but playing Need 4 Speed you can't see them. This device defies any discription. Till you have held one you just can't know. It's like a designer from apple was courpted by the dark side of the force and made a Sith Ipod for Sony. N4S has all real cars with realistic physics. You can mod, paint, body kit, etc. You can even change out the sway bars and bushings, that's just badass. I have Lumines and Spiderman coming from the good folks at Gamefly. It's like netflix for videogames.


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