Friday, September 08, 2006

Get my Friday on

So much to do, so little desire to do it. It's a story as old as I am. I can procrastinate like no other. Need to do something about that.
Reading the Graphic Novel for V for Vendetta, different from the film, liking it.
If you have never read the Watchmen, you really should. It's the war and peace of graphic novels.

As an aside I am in a new office at work, the new one is way better than my old one in the plague ward. It's nice being in a room where you can shout out something like "Are you a God?" and you get responses from the desks around you like :
"Ray, when someone asks if you're a God, you say "Yes""
"As a duly designated representative of the City County State of New York I order you to cease any and all supernatural activity and return forthwith to your place of origin or to the nearest convenient parallel dimension."

It makes someone like me feel like they are in the right spot. Before you ask, yes that 2nd one was done word for word.

Anyway, back to work, that thing I was procrastinating. Then beer.

Monday, September 04, 2006


I have put my photographic portfolio online. This is a collection of the photos I have shot over the last few years. I recommend the slideshow option with captions off, it takes about 6 minutes to watch the whole thing. It is broken into sections of Architecture, Cars, Animals, People, Landscapes, and Flowers.

Sep 7, 2047 - 92 Photos

Comments are very welcome.

Crikey! - Croc Hunter Killed

It's a sad day, Steve Irwin, 'The Crocodile Hunter' was killed in a freak stingray accident Early today off the coast of Australia. There are news stores all over the net.

Here is a 2003 photo of Irwin with a Wombat.
Photo: Heath Missen

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

More Photography: K-9 Demo

This weekend at the Fiesta La Ballona the Culver City K-9 unit gave a great demonstration. I took the opportunity to photograph it.

Culver City K-9 Unit
Aug 27, 2006 - 64 Photos

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Made me Smile

Denis Leary goes off on Mel durring a Red Sox Broadcast.
Go to this link
Watch the video on the right.

Great way to start your day!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Jens and Megan's Wedding

We just got back from a long weekend in Iowa. They have a lot of corn there. I mean a LOT of corn. You can't even imagine how much till you see it. They also have weddings. I took a lot of pictures, you can find them here:

Aug 13, 2006 - 43 Photos

Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Dead Speak!

Today a great man of science died. James Van Allen was one of the found fathers of planetary science. The Radiation belts that circle our planet bare his name. In an impressive move, Walter Sullivan, science editor for the New York Times has come back from the dead to write the story on Van Allen. You see It's common for newspapers to put stories together for the deaths of famous people ahead of time. That way when they die they have the whole thing ready, just fill the date, the how, and print. In this case Walter Sullivan wrote the story about the death of Van Allen before his own death in 1996. Creepy. Van Allen was 91 years old.

The news story can be read here

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Snakes on The Brain- Official Snakes On a Plane video

Captain Ahab won the"Tagworld" get your song in Snakes on a Plane contest. This is the apocalyptic rump-shaking extravaganza of the millennium video sure to obliterate your face. See babes with snakes, red hot dance moves, american muscle cars and white dudes with cornrows. If Marky-Mark and Biohazard had a baby this would be it.
Oh and Larry from work Directed it.

read more | digg story