Thursday, March 03, 2005

The Tint of the Black $#perl

It was one of those mornings where so many things happen you really can't imagine how much more could happen in a day. By 10 am several shots where finaled, others where in limbo, and lots of feedback and comments had been made. The work is looking great but still more to do ahead of us. By 11:45 even more work piled up but I had to take an early lunch. You see at Noon I had an appointment. A very special appointment, with Eclipse Tint Inc. Any clues as to what they do? Expect to see some sweet pictures posted here soon.

By 2pm back at work things where going ok, emails working but we are low on disk space. You would think we could make do with 20 terabytes, but we manage to fill it. One of my artists wrote a slick perl script to help us find old data we could delete, this was super handy but I needed some new features. This begin my adventure in Perl Script. Yea... Perl. It's like the Latin of computer languages.

Ever wonder how I got my Red MINI?
I Present to you:
"Mom and Dad go Motoring"

It's in blog form, so you need to scroll to the bottom and read from the bottom up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted you to know we had GREAT memories reading "Mom and Dad" go motoring again..Delivering Big Red to you is filled with so many wonderful memories!!I'm anxious to see those 'tinted' pictures!

6:37 AM  
Blogger erik said...

Having had experience with both Latin AND Perl, I think you're onto something there. Perl's not a 'hard' language, per se, but it does have some dense, dense syntax and near-infinite capability.

Good luck with the script!

7:34 AM  

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