Tonight is Shabbat and Saturday night begins the holiday of Pesach (Passover). Pesach comes from Exodus 12-13, readable all over the net, just google it. Here is the cool part, Matzah and whole unleavened bread Idea could be from a separate holiday than the Eating of the lamb and putting the blood on the door posts bit. Crazy right? Read Leviticus 23, from the JPS edition:
5. In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at dusk, is G-d's Passover. 6. And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread unto G-d; seven days ye shall eat unleavened bread. These are the appointed seasons of G-d, even holy convocations, which ye shall proclaim in their appointed season.You just read what I read? Two holidays, at the same time, not one. That's why We have the Seder's on the First & Second nights, 14th and 15th. I had a Rabbi tell me about this last night, was a bit skeptical till I picked up the book myself and looked into it. I guess this is why we engage in Torah and not just read it. There is a lot of conjecture over why and how these two holidays became Pesach, none of witch I learned in Hebrew school. That's not a bad thing, I don't think I was quite ready for it then.
The more I study Torah the more I enjoy it. I really need to learn Hebrew, the translations hide so much. Ever wonder where the vowels come from? The Torah has none. Turns out about 1100 years ago a group of Rabbi's got together and said these are the official vowels and pronunciations for the Torah. Yea... In Hebrew changing the vowels around makes a HUGE difference. In the traditional story of Passover we where slaves in the land of Egypt. Turns out the same consonants that spell out Egypt also spell out "narrow places" as in dark, or bad places, as in we where slaves in a bad place. My people are forced into exodus from many places, not just Egypt over the last several thousand years, it happened before, and it happens again. That's what the story is trying to tell us. It's not about being mad at the Egyptians, it's about having the strength to persevere. Pesach is not a story we should forget, G-d said so, twice even.
Have a good Passover everyone, and don't eat to much Matzah.
Check out this
site. They have the whole Tanakh in 5 versions.