Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Time isn't fair. No one said it would be. Peoples time frames never lineup. Work went well but i'm tired. We have Karin's class tomarrow, looking forward to that. It's also laundry day, again with the never enought time. It was a good day at work but i'm still tired. I did good work but again, tired. Watching smallville, it's good. Check out the new Batman Begins trailer, it's great. I am looking forward to the end of this project and some time off. Spend more time with K. I do have the weekend but more time would be better.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Turns out I was right

I asked around, most of my great-grandparents fled Western Russia around 1900 to escape the Pogroms. So my people have had atleast two major Exodus's in the last 100 years. Kind of makes you think, or atleast it should.

The other thing I was right about was Fiddler, That Film/Play is set in the same timeframe and place my Great-Grandparents where forced to flee, so it really is my story. For the record, As far as I can tell my family 100 years ago was in Russia, Poland, Latvia, and the Ukraine. Guess that means I am Ashkenazi. So in theory no Rice for Corn for me this Pesach, but two Rabbi's out here said that since we speak Sephardic we can eat sephardic. I know for a fact that Karin plans to rock Pesach Sephardic style. Now where is that Afikoman.


Tonight is Shabbat and Saturday night begins the holiday of Pesach (Passover). Pesach comes from Exodus 12-13, readable all over the net, just google it. Here is the cool part, Matzah and whole unleavened bread Idea could be from a separate holiday than the Eating of the lamb and putting the blood on the door posts bit. Crazy right? Read Leviticus 23, from the JPS edition:

5. In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at dusk, is G-d's Passover. 6. And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread unto G-d; seven days ye shall eat unleavened bread. These are the appointed seasons of G-d, even holy convocations, which ye shall proclaim in their appointed season.

You just read what I read? Two holidays, at the same time, not one. That's why We have the Seder's on the First & Second nights, 14th and 15th. I had a Rabbi tell me about this last night, was a bit skeptical till I picked up the book myself and looked into it. I guess this is why we engage in Torah and not just read it. There is a lot of conjecture over why and how these two holidays became Pesach, none of witch I learned in Hebrew school. That's not a bad thing, I don't think I was quite ready for it then.
The more I study Torah the more I enjoy it. I really need to learn Hebrew, the translations hide so much. Ever wonder where the vowels come from? The Torah has none. Turns out about 1100 years ago a group of Rabbi's got together and said these are the official vowels and pronunciations for the Torah. Yea... In Hebrew changing the vowels around makes a HUGE difference. In the traditional story of Passover we where slaves in the land of Egypt. Turns out the same consonants that spell out Egypt also spell out "narrow places" as in dark, or bad places, as in we where slaves in a bad place. My people are forced into exodus from many places, not just Egypt over the last several thousand years, it happened before, and it happens again. That's what the story is trying to tell us. It's not about being mad at the Egyptians, it's about having the strength to persevere. Pesach is not a story we should forget, G-d said so, twice even.
Have a good Passover everyone, and don't eat to much Matzah.

Check out this site. They have the whole Tanakh in 5 versions.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Fiddler on the Roof

I like the Jewison/Topol version. Separate from that it seems like right now I am the Fiddler right now. Trying to scratch out a living without falling off the roof. In the Film/Play Tevye is plagued with little things that get him down and it makes him ask g-d, "I know, I know. We are Your chosen people. But, once in a while, can't You choose someone else?" I have been having that kind of week. Like Tevye life is still good it's just the roof keeps shaking under me. Like I thought my dad was going to get a sports car, a stick shift, something for us to talk about, but that didn't happen. Karin's Parents are seriously thinking of selling there house, while that saddens me, it's nothing compared to how sad it makes Karin. I'm burnt out at work after 4 months of 72 hour weeks, and just when I could see the light at the end of the tunnel, the end of the project, we got more time! So I get to do these hours for a few more weeks, thanks a ton. I need a 4th front bumper for my MINI as some road debris put a big gouge in this one. I lucked out on that atleast, the club is in the middle of buying a truck load of body parts from Ohio so I just added my order to the list.
All in all life isn't easy right now but it's not bad either, 3 days till Passover. That's the one where we thank g-d we are not slaves in Egypt anymore. That's a plus, compared to the hardships of my ancestors this stuff is easy. Although to be fare Passover is easier on the men in my house as Karin does all the cooking. We are going to have between 6 and 8 people over for the 2nd Seder on Sunday.
This will also be a good Sabbath as the NFL draft starts at 9am, Eagles have 13 picks in a 7 round draft, looks like they might do some package deals to get some depth on the offensive line. We could use some more people in RB and WR. We pick #31 and #35 overall right now. Should be good. Freddie Mitchell might take is mouth out of town. With hockey gone this year, I am really sitting around waiting for football to come back. G-D help me I have even watched a few baseball games.

Thursday, April 14, 2005


Reflections on Shabbat, Last weekend was the first real Sabbath I got to take in almost 4 months. Work has been on 6 day week 12 hour days for that long. I forgot how nice it was. Said the blessing over the wine quite a few times, 5 winerys in one day, it was a good Sabbath. With the show looking like it will extend I wonder just how long it will be till I get another one. Looking forward to spending more time with Karin when this show is over. I miss having a life outside of working 72+ hours a week.
Heads up, the Wine House in LA is having there Kosher for Passover wine tasting this Sunday from 1-3. Cost is $2 a person. We got some great wine from them last year, we are even taking a bottle of good Kosher for Passover wine with us to class tonight. Now don't get me wrong I like Manshevitz, heck I like it more than most people (black lable, the good stuff) but there is something cool about a Cab Sav that's Kosher.
Passover is right around the corner, anyone need a Seder to come to? We are thinking of doing the first night.