www.bradandkarin.com has gone live. I can take a breather now. It was my very first site to use CSS, I think it came out alright for a first pass. Still need to add the photo gallery, that will be soon. In other news im back to work, a commercial at that, nothing to hard but decent work. Let's see, since I last posted Karin and I went crazy with the whole Registering thing. You think it would be fun and easy? It was at home depot, at Macy's however they seemed to want to make it as fustrating as possible. They have the cool laser scanner's there where you just point it at the barcode of what you want and you are good to go. In theory. The interface on this gadget was designed by someone who ... I can't come up with the words, it's horrid, it sucked, It's just so bad it made my brain hurt trying to use it. If you never used a computer for g-d forbid an Ipod this thing could seem very logical but If you have ever used something that used batterys before it's just pain. Check out this logic, you scan a piece of china (dishs) and it pops up with a message saying it's part of a set, do you want service for 12. The logical thing to think is, yes I do. Turns out that was a bad move on my part. While it did add service for 12, not a one of sku numbers matched up with that set they had on the floor. In order to remove them you have to go back to there Registry manager and they have to clear it from there end. Want to list all the items you have scanned? too bad, you have to scroll back and forth one item at a time with back and next. Did I mention the crashes? The thing is a dedicated device (running windows mobile) It has one function, and like a totaly of 5 functions, how hard can that be to debug? (add, delete, next item, last item, change amount). LOL it was maddness!! :D
So after 5 1/2 hours at Macy's (not kidding) we went to home depot. Turns out at HD they have no scanners, no terminals, nothing at the store itself. It's all done via
HomeDepot.com, so we wrote down the part numbers for all the stuff we wanted to add to the registry, (Air Tools!) wen't home, keyed them in, and it was done. Slick interface they have on there website to, once you create an account and log in there normal shoping site adds a button below add to card, "add to registry" and that's all there was to it. Next up on the Registry list Sur La Table, Amazon.com, mabye even froogle.com
In other news I am listening to the Greenskeepers "
Lotion", that song never gets old, also listening to Black Betty by Spiderbait. As heard in Need 4 Speed Underground on the PSP and the Dukes of Hazzard Trailer.
Oh and google went and released one of my favorite software products for free, (I have had it for 4 years at $70 a year) Earthviewer. Now called
Google Earth, yea they read
snowcrash too.