Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Red Wine, Whitewater

You should see these pictures.
Karin and I went rafting this weekend. It was a total blast.

I want to do this again, I might see if the MINI club is into it. We had gormet food, tents setup for us, and showers. It was like camping, only easy. More details to come but I have to get to work.

Friday, July 15, 2005

ComicCon, Treo's, GPS, and more gadgets that would be fun

I am going to ComicCon for the first time on Sunday. Yea you figure I would have been there every year since I moved out here. For some reason or another I never made it. Thanks to my friend Klint who lives in SD and is also going I have a place to crash. Karin will be out shopping and drinking martini's with Klint's girlfriend. It's a win-win situation.

Got my treo stuck in the dreaded reboot loop last night, that sucked big time. Luckily I had just backed up the whole thing so I didn't loose much. Cingular is dragging there feet on the Bois update for the phone, Sprint and unlocked GSM already have it. It changes the file system so that it uses smaller chunks and gives you back more space if you have lots of little files which the phone does. Most people see they get 25% of total ram space back, that will sure be nice.

So I finally get my parents to buy a GPS yesterday and Garmin comes out with a whole new line today that supports traffic information over the air and text to speech to read road names, not to mention other cool improvements. I love my 2610 and probably will not trade it in for the new hotness quite yet. I want to hear how well that whole traffic thing works. This is Los Angeles, the traffic is always bad, I don't need to pay someone $10 a month to tell me what I already know. With an msrp like $1184.60 (What the heck is the 60 cents for?) That would pay for part of a really nice trip to Italy. I think I am going with the wine and pasta on this one. The new version of the one my parents ordered yesterday how ever might get purchased by them as they can just return the one they ordered before even opening it. They like the idea of the traffic stuff as they live in a place where the roads are sometimes not parking lots, I know it's hard to imagine but places like that exist outside Gridlock, CA.

Why must thinkgeek taunt me? I have no real use for this gadget, yet I want it, I really want it. The British came up with a gadget that I both need and want. No one likes to pee in the dark.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Firefox Toolbar

Google has just released it's famed toolbar for firefox. It was the only thing I missed from IE. I have it installed and it rocks. Why are you still reading this you should have this installed by now....

go already, install it.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

JPL / NASA has better aim than Marina Del Rey

The Deep Impact probe managed to land a bullseye on Comet Tempel 1 some bazillion miles from earth on July 4th but Every firework shot off in the Marina went up into the fog and clouds and made a glow. We saw the bottom 1/2 of a lot of fireworks. Fog in the marina who would of expected that?

Work is busy this morning with lots to do in the short week, so I am going to get back to that. Before I go I want to shout out to my only friend at JPL, Go Erik! Woot! tell those probe guys they have nice aim.

War of the Worlds was still bad, ok go on with your day.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

More stuff, War of the Worlds, CSS

It's been a very busy week, Let's run down the list.
  • The new site is coming along great, The Gallery is up and running
  • the new layout for this site is coming along
  • I got 2 weeks cut off my schedule so I can be booked to a 2nd commercial
  • We found out that good friends of ours are moving to Arizona, very sad.
  • Saw War of the Worlds, it's worth a bargain price at best.
  • Got a Jury Duty notice
  • Got a ticket for ComicCon (Karin will be drinking martini's with a friend
  • Moved lots of pictures off old harddrives to Karin's computer
  • Had a very fun Friday at work
That about covers it.

WotW has good effects, some good scares, a few laughs, but just way to many moments where you just don't believe the world they are in. They break there own rules to much for my tastes.

Have a great 4th of July everyone!